Payment Gateway Advice for SaaS and PayFac Payment Platforms
Payment gateway selection is a tricky process. Especially, for PayFac payment platforms and SaaS companies. It makes you analyze all gateway features based on requirements, specific to payment facilitator and software service platform models. Payments for platforms and payments for ordinary merchants are not the same. By definition.
Gateway Features, Specific to Saas and PayFac Payment Platforms:
Payment gateway integration. A merchant can simply partner with a large provider and get all the gateway features it needs within a standardized offering. A SaaS or PayFac, usually, needs to dedicate much more considerable effort to integration and certification processes.
Processing cost. More complex business models call for more complex transaction pricing models.
Settlement and reconciliation mechanisms
Supported currencies, geographies, payment methods, and types. Examples include crypto, e-wallets, ACH, gift cards, contact/contactless, card-present, and CNP payments.
Reporting formats. The more detailed and, at the same time, transparent transaction reports and merchant statements are, the better.
Chargeback management
Fraud protection tools. These can range from P2PE, AVS, and 3Dsecure to geolocation to merchant monitoring and behavior pattern elicitation.
Recurring billing and account updater
Merchant onboarding and underwriting. This one is, definitely, a must-have for a PayFac payment gateway.
Multiple processor integrations. No processor can embrace all target MCC codes and payment types at once. That is why a robust payment gateway should be integrated with several processing platforms.
SaaS and PayFac payment platforms need to consider a whole set of critical features when choosing a payment gateway. True, PayFac model implementation is a promising strategy, especially for SaaS platforms. It provides additional revenues, makes the platform more competitive, brings in new customers, prevents churn, and improves payment experience. However, gateway selection process requires more careful analysis from a PayFac than from a SaaS company or an ordinary merchant.
Are you a SaaS company that wants to become a PayFac or looks for a payment gateway? Are you a white-label or full-fledged PayFac in search of a gateway partner? In either case it makes sense to address the experts for targeted advice on the subject. Armed with more than a decade of experience, they will help you succeed on your quest and avoid costly mistakes.
Please feel free to contact our payment specialists if you need more information.